In this summary of the OurDoctor YouTube video we discuss if “jelqing penis exercise makes you bigger?” We’ll be talking about penis exercises and if they are safe. Jelking has been around for centuries, dating back to ancient Middle Eastern regions.

The claim behind this exercise is to increase penis size and girth. Milking, pulling, and squeezing are other known names for jelking. So what is jelking? Jelking involves stretching the skin of the penis over time by using your fingers.

This exercise creates micro tears in the skin, which heal and become thicker. To perform this method, you basically form an okay sign with your index finger and thumb, grip around the base of your penis, slowly slide your fingers up the shaft with light pressure, and then release when you reach the penis glands.

But does it work? Unfortunately, there’s not much evidence that it works. Follow Gauge Medical did a tiny study in 2008 where seven men performed 200 jelking strokes a day for three months straight.

The average increase of the seven men was 0.13 inches in length and 0.3 inches in girth. According to Fallow Gauge, the increase in size and circumference were minor and could have been more promising. International Journal of Impotence Research published another study from Singapore.

In the study, 20 men performed jelking for three months, and the study revealed no significant change in size and girth. In addition, jelking may cause more harm than good. According to men’s health and urologists, applying too much pressure on the penis can lead to erectile dysfunction.

Thousands of super-sensitive tiny nerves in the shaft and glands are essential in producing a healthy erection. Jelking can potentially cause permanent damage to the nerves and the whole system. Jelking can also cause a lot of inflammation and cause bad scarring on your penis.

There have even been cases where men tore up veins while jerking. Therefore, most urologists will not recommend jerking. You can try safer methods of treatment. You desire to be bigger or want a prolonged erection.

What you eat can affect the quality of your erection. Try eating more quality and healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and fish. Multivitamins and supplements can help your blood flow.

For example, nitric oxide can help relax your blood vessels and increase flow to the penis. Using a penis pump may help give you a temporary elongation of the penis. Many men have great success with the penis pump, which is a great way to make it feel bigger.

However, this is a short-term solution and is not permanent. Several erectile dysfunction medications on the market can help you become erect, which makes a big difference in your sex life.

With any new regimen, please be careful and contact your local physician if you have questions. You can also contact our medical team, as we offer many safer treatment plans for premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction.

We are here to help with any of your questions. Visit

In this summary of the OurDoctor YouTube video we discuss “How to treat erectile dysfunction with Peakbody nitric oxide supplement.”

get his insight on some critical questions asked by my viewers at Art Doctor. Chad, would you like to introduce yourself to our viewers?

Yes, thank you for having me. I’m Chad Vermillion. I am a fitness instructor and bodybuilding coach. I am an amateur and competitive bodybuilder. We won a couple of shows at bodybuilding. I went from the worst shape in my life to the best shape in my life in about 16 weeks.

And now I teach other people how to do the same thing. Do your nitric oxide levels increase during exercise and how long does it take for it to start working? That’s a good question. The nitric oxide molecule can alter the energy supply and the skeletal muscle through hormonal modulation.

Nitric oxide production in your body will increase lean muscles when you’re doing physical activities. The mitochondria in the lean muscle tissue are highly abundant and they play a pivotal role in your body’s metabolism.

Exercise keeps your endothelial cells and blood vessels healthy by increasing your body’s natural ability to produce nitric oxide. High levels of L -L-arginine will assist in weight loss and improve your body’s ability to fight off fat cells and fatty tissue.

If you start a nitric oxide regimen, you’ll immediately see results. The benefits of exercising with added nitric oxide can be seen in as little as five weeks when you’re exercising for 30 minutes, at least three times a week.

But for optimal results, you’re gonna wanna combine aerobic training such as walking, and jogging, with anaerobic activity, like resistance and weight training, and a healthy diet for even quicker results.

When you’re exercising, When using the PeekBodies brand, I’d recommend taking three tablets per day or every other day to start with a small meal if you want to and washing it with room temperature water.

This supplement may help blood flow, memory, energy, libido, and erectile dysfunction. That does look like an excellent nutraceutical product to take. Can you explain what nitric oxide does with blood flow and does it increases or decreases this flow after exercise?

Yes, yes. Nitric oxide is produced by nearly every type of cell in the body and it’s essential for blood vessel health. It’s a vasodilator that relaxes the inner muscles of the blood vessels causing the vessels to widen.

Vasodilators help increase blood flow and lower blood pressure at the same time. When your cardiac output rises during exercise or strenuous activity, brain blood flow remains constant, or increases slightly.

In contrast, though, blood flow to the heart increases to meet the increased demand for mitochondrial blood flow that is primarily associated with exercise-induced increases in your heart rate. So it’s interesting as well that this product can help improve insulin sensitivity, which is the problem associated with diabetes.

Now, if you’re on blood pressure or diabetic medication, consult with our doctor to ensure that this supplement doesn’t interfere with anything you’re currently taking. Nice. My viewers are interested in knowing what a nitric oxide dump is and how this works.

Can you explain that to us? Yeah, this nitric oxide dump is common among athletes, but they rarely hear this term. Usually, they call it hit high-intensity interval training. This type of training usually consists of squatting and arm-raising exercises like presses push-ups or over-the-head barbell raises.

One of the most notable benefits of the nitric oxide dump is its ability to improve your cardiovascular health. As little as five minutes of this kind of training equals about 160 minutes of a moderate workout.

And this type of training is very effective. Training of this type is not for those with knee or shoulder pain, though. It’s a potent exercise in which you incorporate all the discussed activities into a quick session.

So you may try this method to maximize the amount of blood flow throughout the entire body rather than being limited to just one portion of your body. So do men take nitric oxide to get an erection or to increase their ability to maintain?

Yeah, one area of… the man’s body that is affected by nitric oxide is the penis. Research shows that nitric oxide plays a crucial role in erections by relaxing the vascular muscle that supplies blood to the sexually aroused.

So when you take nitric oxide, the L -L-arginine relaxes the tissues and the vascular muscles by allowing more blood flow to come in. And therefore, you’re achieving an erection without the use of prescription medications or any kind of medical device.

The desired nutraceutical or over-the-counter product is used by those who need help and is available to be purchased at your local GNC or vitamin shop. Suppose you do wish to strengthen your erection without the nitric oxide pill.

In that case, I would recommend regular exercise and significantly moderate. aerobic physical activity to improve your blood pressure, blood flow, and hormone levels, as this will naturally raise chemicals like nitric oxide in your body.

Those who some cigarettes or have high blood pressure or conditions such as diabetes or obesity will probably have erectile dysfunction because of their lack of blood flow. You need exercise to get the blood flowing and your heart rate to flush the blood through the arteries.

Can exercise or diet unblock arteries? Currently, research doesn’t support the use of specific foods to unclog arteries. However, some studies on animals show a promising future, and some of the best foods that may help dissolve plaque in your arteries may include tomatoes, onions, citrus fruits, berries, leafy greens, beans, and fish.

Losing weight, exercising more, or eating less food, high and saturated fats are all steps you can take to reduce plaques, but these steps won’t remove existing plaques but may help dissolve or prevent new plaque from forming.

Taking nitric oxide or eating nitrate-rich foods may help improve circulation by dilating blood vessels and allowing your blood to flow more easily. Follow these steps to boost your body’s circulation.

Increase cardiovascular exercise. If you’re exercising two times a week, double it. If you smoke, quit. Drink black or green tea. If you are anemic, take iron-rich supplements or eat iron-rich foods.

Decrease stress, and get more omega-3 fatty acids in your diet. Wear compression socks. Elevate your legs.

Wrapping everything up if you have any questions or would like to learn more information visit or visit

In this summary of the OurDoctor YouTube video, we discuss with Chad from Peak Body Fitness. He brings his insight into some crucial questions for my viewers at OurDoctor. There is little doubt that regular exercise will improve your body’s health.

It helps in lowering your blood pressure and improving your blood sugar levels. You will soon notice a decrease around your waist, an overall improvement in fitness activities, and an improvement in your mood, including an anxiety reduction.

These benefits are significant for individuals with Alzheimer’s disease who have chronic conditions and changes in mood. Regular exercise can aid in slowing the progressive cognitive decline of individuals with this disease.

Exercise will improve memory by increasing the individual’s molecular target, like the brain-derived neurotrophic factor. This molecular factor increases synaptogenesis, forming new synapses that mediate learning and memory, making it easier to absorb information and form long-term memories.

So my question to you, Chad, is what kind of exercises should individuals with Alzheimer’s disease be doing? That’s an excellent question. I get asked questions from caretakers of Alzheimer’s or dementia patients on what exercise is safe and what is the best type of activity.

Everyone’s differences should be reviewed case by case, as you must exercise safely and maintain stability. Under supervision, gardening, one of my favorite activities, can be an excellent exercise, and many people enjoy it.

It provides a good amount of physical activity. I highly recommend walking outside or on a specialized treadmill or stationary bike; swimming, light weights, and chair yoga are incredibly beneficial.
Have you heard of a fit exercise plan, and do you think this will help individuals with Alzheimer’s disease? US guidelines have created a program to cover all components of the FIT model and as a guide for individuals with Alzheimer’s disease.

And yes, FIT describes the frequency, intensity, time, and type of exercise. So, let’s look at each of these components. Frequency. According to these standards, you perform aerobic activity most days of the week and muscle-strengthening exercise at least two days each week.

Older adults need to build up to these goals gradually and pace themselves. Activity may start one or two days during the first week, and individuals should gradually build up to most days over several weeks.
Intensity. These guidelines indicate that you should conduct your exercises at a moderate to vigorous intensity. These activities require a similar effort to brisk walking or swimming, which is medium intensity.

Okay, the T is time. These guidelines also prescribe 150 minutes of aerobic activity per week. Schedule muscle-strengthening exercises twice a week or as directed by your doctor. And the last T is type.
These guidelines recommend that individuals participate in aerobic and muscle-strengthening activities. It also has specific recommendations for older adults, which is especially relevant for individuals with Alzheimer’s disease because most will fall into this category.

Older adults should do multiple physical activities to maintain weekly physical activity, including balance training and aerobic and muscle-strengthening exercises. Many exercise studies involving individuals with Alzheimer’s or dementia have been multi-component, including aerobic strength, balance, and flexibility activities in one program.

So make sure to take your time choosing the suitable types of activities. It’s essential to select activities that are enjoyable and sustainable for your lifestyle and do your best to stick with them over a long period.

Now, this process may take some time. That’s okay, but individualizing exercise routines will lead to long-term success for you. So, maintaining a regular exercise program is important because the benefits of any exercise program go away when you stop exercising.

So try some activities like aerobic activities, walking. Water aerobics, dancing, light yard work, cycling, yoga, or muscle-strengthening activities like exercise bands, handheld weights, or machine weights, and body weight exercises, such as push-ups, sit-ups, calisthenics, chin-ups, or balance.

Try standing on one foot and then the other, walking heel to toe until you fall off your path, or toe raises, which can be done by sitting or on the floor exercises. Warming up before exercising and cooling down afterward is very important for those ready to start.

Warming up helps to prepare the heart and lungs for this activity, and cooling down helps gradually slow the heart and lungs. Stretching can also be incorporated into your warmup, calm down, and help maintain your joints’ flexibility.

Exercising several times weekly for 30 to 60 minutes will keep your cognitive reasoning and learning skills sharp for healthy individuals. Studies show that combining regular exercise can significantly reduce the risk of developing dementia by about 30 percent, and there is an improvement in memory, judgment, and thinking skills, which will benefit those with mild Alzheimer’s disease or mild cognitive impairment.

For Alzheimer’s disease, patients see a 45 percent decrease in risk. To slow down Alzheimer’s or other dementias, eat healthy, do not smoke or drink, stay mentally and socially active, and take control of your health with fitness and diet.

Chad, what are some of the best foods for individuals with Alzheimer’s or dementia? It’s an excellent question. It’s essential to avoid foods like red meat, butter, and margarine. Avoid pastries, sweets, sugar, anything with high sugars, cheeses, and fried foods.

Follow the food regimen below and fit it into your meal planning. And please focus on foods that include leafy green vegetables, at least six servings per week. Enjoy all other vegetables, including berries, at least one serving daily.

I love berries; at least two servings a week. Some like to put these into a shake. Whole grains, like oatmeal, are my personal favorite. Whole wheat flour, brown rice, at least three servings a day. Fish, one to three servings a week.

Chicken or poultry, two servings a week. Beans, three to five servings a week. Nuts, five to seven servings a week. Thank you, Chad, for being here. All the staff from PeakBody and OurDoctor wish you the best on your journey to bettering your mental health.

You deserve to feel great and look great. Good luck, and like and follow us if you want to see other videos. Visit to learn more!

In this summary of the OurDoctor YouTube video we discuss “How can you get better-tasting semen?” Let’s find out! A question that a lot of men and even women ask is, how can I make semen taste more sweet? It’s important to know what semen is made out of.

Since each ejaculation may contain 200 million to 300 million sperm, many believe semen is just sperm. But that’s not true. It only has 3% to 5% of spermatozoa. Water, plasma, and mucus, the lubricating substance, comprise most of the fluid.

Since the semen must travel a long way and tolerate the harsh environment of the vagina, they need nutrients. When sperm rises to the egg, the nutrients in the semen help them survive and flourish.

Fructose, a form of sugar, is the sperm’s primary energy source. Calcium, citrate, glucose, lactic acid, magnesium, potassium, protein, and zinc are some of the most essential nutrients in semen.

Also, semen pH levels are alkaline, with a range of 7 .2 to 7 .4, to shield against the acidic nature of the female vagina. Because of its slightly alkaline pH levels, healthy-tasting semen can be different from person to person, but it has been described as tasting bitter or salty.

There is a hint of sweetness because it has fructose and metallic because of the essential vitamins and minerals. Can eating foods make semen taste better? What about pineapple? The legend goes that pineapple can improve the flavor of someone’s semen.

Is there any validity to it? It seems reasonable that foods with a more robust flavor or fragrance would, in turn, impact the flavor and aroma of semen, but there’s little to no scientific proof. It may become slightly more sweet if you include pineapples, oranges, and other sweet fruits in your diet, but this is primarily due to the fructose in the semen.

You and you would need to consume many of these foods to notice a change in the taste. But you need to be careful because consuming too much sugar can affect other areas of your health. If you want to change the flavor, try consuming more celery.

Celery is an excellent source of vitamin G, which may help eliminate some of the salty flavor of the sperm. Parsley, wheatgrass, cinnamon, and nutmeg are great spices that enhance the sweetness. Drinking water and staying hydrated may also help with the salty taste.

The more hydrated you are, the milder the flavor it will be. Sulfur-based foods can intensify the bitterness significantly. These foods include garlic, onions, eggs, broccoli, cabbage, radishes, Parmesan cheese, and scallops.

Other factors that intensify the bitterness and saltiness are smoking, drinking too much alcohol, drugs, red meats, asparagus, overeating fast food, and caffeine. But timing is everything. Does eating a pineapple right before intercourse or oral sex improve the flavor?

No, not really. It takes time to digest the food. Your body can take weeks to process these nutrients. It’s essential to have a well-balanced diet because not only can it make it slightly sweeter, but a healthy diet can help you with more robust and longer erections, your semen levels, testosterone levels, and your overall health.

In this summary of the OuDoctor YouTube video we discuss “Male Masturbation Silicone Toy Eggs” which is a new toy designed to help men masturbate. It’s super easy to use, has six different actual feel sleeves, and may even have significant health benefits.

Easy to be egg by Peak Body is a real washable and reusable silicone device that will take your alone time to new heights. Guys, I know masturbation is taboo for most, but studies have shown the importance of masturbation and its benefits to the body.

Research done by the Massachusetts Aging Study showed that men who had six once a month or less were 45% more likely to die of cardiovascular disease than men who had two or more orgasms per week. In a 20-year study of 1,000 men, those with two or more orgasms per week died at half the rate of men with fewer orgasms per month.

Ejaculation is crucial as it helps regulate and maintain your body’s immune system. Tests have shown that men had more white blood cells approximately 45 minutes to an hour after a solo orgasm. When a man ejaculates more than 21 times per month, it lowers the risk of prostate cancer by approximately 33%.

Masturbation also assists in the vital production of chemicals in the brain, such as prolactin and serotonin. Prolactin and serotonin levels directly relate to your feelings of happiness and relaxation.

It also raises the levels of a hormone called cortisol and releases neurochemicals such as dopamine and oxytocin, which improve your mood. Are you convinced yet? Let’s keep going. EasyBe Eggs by PeekBody comes in a six-pack.

All six have different and unique sensations where men can enjoy a different feel every time during orgasm. Moreover, these six types of rib sensation aids are reusable. There’s a wavy clicker, spider, stepper, twister, and silky.

So try them all and see which one you like best. Most men who’ve tried them give them high ratings. I can see why. Each egg has a silky and smooth feel and is very stretchable to fit any size man.

Each egg has its lubrication in which you open the foiled egg and apply it on the inside of the rib side of the glove-like apparatus. Once you have inserted your penis into this hand-held massager, you won’t notice sensations you’ve never experienced.

As always, your satisfaction is guaranteed, and we offer a full money-back guarantee if you are still waiting for the desired results.

In this summary of the OurDoctor YouTube video, we discuss diabetes and erectile dysfunction. We’re going to be going over the correlation between erectile dysfunction and diabetes. Erectile dysfunction occurs in diabetic men because of poor blood flow, the lack of muscle function of the penis, and nerve damage.

An estimated 35% to 80% of men with diabetes will experience some form of impotence or erectile dysfunction sometime in their life. Men with diabetes usually develop complications with ED 10 years earlier than men without diabetes.

Depending upon the severity of your diabetic history, it can show up earlier or much later in life. Diabetes can damage the blood vessels that help you maintain and sustain your erection, even if you have excellent testosterone and normal male hormone levels.

Some great medications caught PDE5 inhibitors or basal dilators can help you achieve an erection again. This drug classification’s most popular name brands include Cialis, Stendra, Staxon, Levitra, and Viagra.
But make sure to ask for the generic versions, as they are much more affordable. You can ask your doctor about the once-a-day pill of Tadalaphyl so you may be ready for the moment at any time. This pill has been known to treat erectile dysfunction and enlarged prostate and is very commonly prescribed for diabetic type 1 and type 2 patients.

If you’d like to get tested for diabetes, I recommend using an at-home testing kit. This kit will check your A1C levels to ensure they are in range and ensure there aren’t any warning signs of any other serious health problems you may be unaware of.

If you cannot make an appointment with your medical provider, this is a great kit to get you results fast and immediately and get you on your way with the treatment plan. Our services are fast, secure, and discreet, and our medical professionals are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

If you have any questions, our medical specialists are standing by to assist you in maintaining a long and healthy lifestyle.

In this summary of the OurDoctor YouTube video we discuss “At-home test kits.” We go over and explain to you the importance of keeping on top of your health with our variety of at-home test kits. First, thank you for taking time out of your day and reviewing our various lab and test kits.

We take pride in ensuring our patients get the essential medical care they need 24 hours a day and seven days a week. Consider using one of our at-home testing kits if you require prescription medication or need treatment for a medical condition.

Save the trip to your doctor’s office, cut your time in cost and half, and take control of your health today. We offer lab kits for treating most STDs, including Perfys or HSV2, COVID-19 and flu detection, and testosterone hormone testing.

I’m also happy to say we offer additional lab kits for diabetes, colon cancer screening, a test for cholesterol and triglyceride, an anti-aging kit, a weight loss test kit, and more. Home health testing has always been challenging.

Order the equipment, which ships directly to your door, and get your results online within a few days. All your information is confidential, and instructions are included with each testing kit. If you have any additional questions, our medical team is standing by to answer your questions.

Order confidently online or by phone, and I guarantee you will be satisfied with our product or service. Thanks for watching. Take care.

In this summary of the OurDoctor YouTube video we discuss “Erectile Dysfunction and High Cholesterol” today we’ll go over the correlation between erectile dysfunction and high cholesterol. Does my high cholesterol cause me to start soft, or can it create a problem with achieving a full erection during sex?

The answer is yes, with 7 out of every 10 men suffering from ED also having high cholesterol or unusual levels of lipoproteins. If you have a poor, unbalanced diet or overeat unsaturated fats, you may have too much LDL buildup.

Too much LDL buildup will slow the blood flow to the arteries or lead to atherosclerosis, which causes ED. If you are experiencing nausea, extreme fatigue, shortness of breath, or pains in the back, jaw, or neck, you need to get tested for high cholesterol.

Or if you’re experiencing high blood pressure, chest pains like angina, or have circulation problems, you may want to get checked by your physician for this more extreme case of high LDL. Men with elevated levels may be put on a statin for cholesterol or a basal dilator to treat erectile dysfunction.

Men between the ages of 35 and 70 can be prescribed a PDE5 inhibitor to treat erectile dysfunction. These PDE5 inhibitors include soldinophil or todallophil to increase the blood flow to the vessels of the penis.

Take the recommended dosage of this drug approximately 30 minutes before your sexual encounter, as you must give the pill some time to activate your bloodstream. Once you get sexually stimulated or roused, you and your partner should see some better results.

If you’d like to get checked for cholesterol, I recommend using an at-home testing kit. This kit will test your lipid levels to check for underlying conditions. This test is 100% pain-free and takes just a few minutes to complete.

You will get your results back in a few days, and we can start treatment immediately. So please don’t wait any longer to get tested, as our medical staff is standing by to answer your questions and get you finally treated today.

In this summary of the OurDoctor YouTube video we discuss “What are STDs?” we’ll go in-depth of what STDs’ mean and the importance of tackling an outbreak. The term sexually transmitted disease or sexually transmitted infections refers to several diseases that can spread through sexual contact, such as vaginal, oral, and anal sex.

However, they can occasionally get distributed through other forms of close physical contact, such as skin contact, as is the case for herpes and HPV, pregnancy, childbirth, or the exchange of blood or needles between individuals. Three main microorganisms can cause sexually transmitted diseases: bacteria, viruses, and fungi.

Genital herpes, gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia, HPV, trichomonas, pubic lice, genital warts, and scabies are common STDs and STIs. What about HIV or AIDS? People infected with HIV can expect to live long and healthy lives thanks to advances in medical care. But if the virus is not treated, AIDS can develop, making the body extremely susceptible to other infections and diseases.

Additionally, without treatment, a person only has a three-year life expectancy due to the wide range of conditions they are susceptible to contracting due to their severely compromised immune system. Unfortunately, there is currently no cure for AIDS. Anyone who engages in unprotected sexual activity runs the risk of contracting an STD.

Condom or dental dams are an excellent way to avoid infection if used correctly and consistently. You also increase your vulnerability to sexually transmitted diseases by having multiple partners. I urge those who are sexually active to discuss their STD risk with their doctor and be tested if necessary, given that many STDs do not typically cause symptoms.

Some STDs can be identified through a simple physical examination, while others require blood tests and the collection and microscopic analysis of a vaginal, penile, or anus fluid sample. You are contagious even if you do not experience any symptoms once infected.

It’s important to catch it early and get it under control. The CDC estimates about 20 million new STI cases every year. According to the American Sexual Health Association, about half of all sexually active teens and adults will contract an STD by age 25.

Unlike COVID-19 or chickenpox, your body doesn’t develop immunity to STIs. So if you had it or have it, yes, you can get it again. Although both genders are susceptible to STDs, women are more likely to experience serious health consequences due to their anatomy, cultural roles, complications, or birth control types.

Infection with STDs during pregnancy can be hazardous for the developing fetus. We ladies should, therefore, increase the frequency of our screenings. Check with your healthcare provider to see if your STD is curable or chronic and get it under control quickly.

When it comes to sexually transmitted diseases, prevention is vital. We must raise awareness about this topic so people can practice safe sex, whether with a new partner or multiple partners. The consequences of unsafe sexual behavior can last a lifetime.

So, it’s essential to communicate openly and honestly with your partner before getting intimate. And if there is any doubt, get tested. Our doctor recommends using an at-home testing kit. The test ships to your door, and you receive your results online within a few days.

All your information is confidential, and instructions are included with each testing kit. If you feel you have an STD or STI or want to talk to a physician about your condition, don’t hesitate to contact us at our doctor. We’re here to help. Be safe, everyone.

In this summary of the OurDoctor YouTube video we discuss “STD Symptoms You Shouldn’t Ignore” the different types of STDs and what symptoms you need to watch for. Other STDs or STIs will have their associated symptoms. The eight most common symptoms to look out for include painful urination, unusual or odorous vaginal discharge, discharge from the penis, unusual vaginal bleeding, painful sex, sores or bumps from the genitals, oral or rectal area, abdominal pain, and swollen mid-nose. 

You can also check the site where the infection occurred for any swelling, itchiness, irritation, or, if you know, what looks like bumps, blisters, or open sores. Are you still with me? Ok, let’s keep going. According to the CDC, chlamydia is the most common bacterial STI in the US, and the only rod of transmission is through unprotected vaginal and anal intercourse.

Sometimes, there are no outward symptoms of this illness. Men will experience discomfort or leakage during urination. Women will experience bleeding between periods, pain when urinating, discharge, or adult aches in the lower abdomen. 

If the transmission is through anal sex, there can be bleeding and pain in the anus. Next up, gonorrhea, the silent disease. Name so because there might not be any symptoms. Most commonly affected are young adults between 15 and 24 years old, and it’s spread through unprotected genital, oral and anal sex.

Symptoms include:

  • Rectal, vaginal, and throat infections.
  • Urinating pain.
  • Discharge in the penis or vagina.

Antibiotics are the go-to treatment for gonorrhea. Syphilis is a dangerous bacterial infection spread through sexual contact at any bodily site other than the mouth.

Penis, vagina, anus, rectum, lips, and mouth sores are all possible transmission sites. Pregnant women must be cautious since they can pass the disease to their unborn child. Telltale signs of syphilis are a non-painful open sore that appears as the first sign of the disease. 

The second stage involves bumpy red or brown spots that may appear as a rash—treatment, penicillin, herpes, broken down into HSV1 oral herpes and HSV2 genital herpes. HSV1 appears as a sore around the mouth and lip, and HSV2 appears as a sore around the genitals and rectum. 

HSV1 can be spread by kissing or sharing objects such as forks or straws. HSV2 can only be spread through sexual contact with someone infected with HSV2. Symptoms typically appear as a single or multiple blisters on or around the affected area. 

Although there is no cure, there are treatments to relieve symptoms, and medication can decrease the pain and shorten healing time. Trichomoniasis, parasites are to blame for this one. About a third of those infected with this STI never show any signs. Itching or irritation in the penis is a common symptom of men with this STI. 

They may experience burning or discharge following urination or ejaculation. Women’s urinary tract may feel irritated, causing itching, stinging, retinas, or soreness. Alternatively, they could experience an odiferous discharge of unknown origin. 

Having sex while suffering from trichomoniasis can be an unpleasant experience. Lastly, AIDS is a disease that turns your immune system against you. It’s painful, has no treatment available, and can prove fatal. Pregnant women can transmit the virus to their unborn child during pregnancy, delivery, or breastfeeding. 

What do all these STDs have in common? All can be prevented with proper education, early testing, and the use of protection during sexual intimacy. If you experience any of these symptoms, you need to check with your medical provider immediately and get it under control. 

Your doctor may provide over-the-counter remedies to clean the area and various ointments, creams, or prescription medication. Having the proper treatment as soon as possible can help you get back to a healthier normal more quickly. Another widespread medication your doctor may provide to you is valocyclovir or baltress.

Valocyclovir has been proven to be the most effective for treating HSV, chickenpox, and shingles. Our doctor recommends using an at-home testing kit. The test ships to your door, and you receive your results online within a few days. All your information is confidential, and instructions are included with each testing kit. 

If you have any additional questions or comments, please get in touch with our doctor, as we are here to help you. You may also complete an online evaluation or call us, and a licensed physician will discuss the best treatment plans available. Take care, everyone!