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States Challenged by Payment and Coverage of Healthcare Services Delivered via Telemedicine.

Telemedicine gets an increase attention from lawmakers who seek the improvement of care coordination, reduction of healthcare delivery problems and containing the costs. Medicaid agencies develop an innovation on the use of telemedicine in a states’ payment. Telemedicine adoption is the creation and enhancement of access to healthcare services via telemedicine.


Telemedicine is the use of both information technology and telecommunication to provide medical services to different people at different places at a time without being with them known as in-home care. It helps in eliminating distance barriers thus improves the accessibility of healthcare services that may not be available in rural areas in certain types of emergency situations and at the critical care services that can be used to save lives. The technology gives an opportunity to patients to be able to communicate with the medical staff with fidelity. Our objective is to improve the accessibility to quality healthcare throughout the world by helping clinics and hospitals to achieve their excellent capabilities in Telemedicine.

Telemedicine adoption enhances creation of the new law to assist in the accessibility of care via telemedicine and for the existing policies to be amended with higher implications. Both the healthcare providers and patients benefit from the improvement of the system of telemedicine to the removal of regulatory and statutory barriers, expansion of service coverage, and existing parity laws. Telemedicine offers comprehensive coverage for the telemedicine provider services like diabetic screening, etc. Telemedicine is covered when the providers use store and forward, e-mail, phone mail, remote patient monitoring, and an audio-video. Highest coverage of telemedicine provides physician services, and most states covers a consultation, mental health assessment, medication management, individual therapy, and behavioral health services.


Medicaid is a social healthcare for individuals and families who have low income and those with limited resources. It is also described as government insurance for all peoples i.e. those with little income to pay for their medical services. It’s a means test program that jointly gets funds from the federal government and states and the management is by the states. Most states cover for low-income adults by changing and improving the Medicaid eligibility. The states administer and establish their Medicaid programs by determining the duration, scope, type, and amount of services within the federal guidelines. The national trend allows a statewide Medicaid coverage of the telemedicine not only in designated areas but also as a mileage requirement. The coverage helps in identifying the policy that many states responds with streamlined policies to improve the quality of healthcare and reduces costs through the adoption of telemedicine.

Bottom line

Most states increasingly use telemedicine to ensure access to the specialized healthcare. Overall specialty coverage for telemedicine services is a checkerboard under Medicaid. The Medicaid plan for many states has tele-rehabilitative for therapy services. Telemedicine and Medicaid give benefit to you because it is done at home, therefore, a home health benefit.