In this summary of the OurDoctor YouTube video we discuss “STD Symptoms You Shouldn’t Ignore” the different types of STDs and what symptoms you need to watch for. Other STDs or STIs will have their associated symptoms. The eight most common symptoms to look out for include painful urination, unusual or odorous vaginal discharge, discharge from the penis, unusual vaginal bleeding, painful sex, sores or bumps from the genitals, oral or rectal area, abdominal pain, and swollen mid-nose. 

You can also check the site where the infection occurred for any swelling, itchiness, irritation, or, if you know, what looks like bumps, blisters, or open sores. Are you still with me? Ok, let’s keep going. According to the CDC, chlamydia is the most common bacterial STI in the US, and the only rod of transmission is through unprotected vaginal and anal intercourse.

Sometimes, there are no outward symptoms of this illness. Men will experience discomfort or leakage during urination. Women will experience bleeding between periods, pain when urinating, discharge, or adult aches in the lower abdomen. 

If the transmission is through anal sex, there can be bleeding and pain in the anus. Next up, gonorrhea, the silent disease. Name so because there might not be any symptoms. Most commonly affected are young adults between 15 and 24 years old, and it’s spread through unprotected genital, oral and anal sex.

Symptoms include:

  • Rectal, vaginal, and throat infections.
  • Urinating pain.
  • Discharge in the penis or vagina.

Antibiotics are the go-to treatment for gonorrhea. Syphilis is a dangerous bacterial infection spread through sexual contact at any bodily site other than the mouth.

Penis, vagina, anus, rectum, lips, and mouth sores are all possible transmission sites. Pregnant women must be cautious since they can pass the disease to their unborn child. Telltale signs of syphilis are a non-painful open sore that appears as the first sign of the disease. 

The second stage involves bumpy red or brown spots that may appear as a rash—treatment, penicillin, herpes, broken down into HSV1 oral herpes and HSV2 genital herpes. HSV1 appears as a sore around the mouth and lip, and HSV2 appears as a sore around the genitals and rectum. 

HSV1 can be spread by kissing or sharing objects such as forks or straws. HSV2 can only be spread through sexual contact with someone infected with HSV2. Symptoms typically appear as a single or multiple blisters on or around the affected area. 

Although there is no cure, there are treatments to relieve symptoms, and medication can decrease the pain and shorten healing time. Trichomoniasis, parasites are to blame for this one. About a third of those infected with this STI never show any signs. Itching or irritation in the penis is a common symptom of men with this STI. 

They may experience burning or discharge following urination or ejaculation. Women’s urinary tract may feel irritated, causing itching, stinging, retinas, or soreness. Alternatively, they could experience an odiferous discharge of unknown origin. 

Having sex while suffering from trichomoniasis can be an unpleasant experience. Lastly, AIDS is a disease that turns your immune system against you. It’s painful, has no treatment available, and can prove fatal. Pregnant women can transmit the virus to their unborn child during pregnancy, delivery, or breastfeeding. 

What do all these STDs have in common? All can be prevented with proper education, early testing, and the use of protection during sexual intimacy. If you experience any of these symptoms, you need to check with your medical provider immediately and get it under control. 

Your doctor may provide over-the-counter remedies to clean the area and various ointments, creams, or prescription medication. Having the proper treatment as soon as possible can help you get back to a healthier normal more quickly. Another widespread medication your doctor may provide to you is valocyclovir or baltress.

Valocyclovir has been proven to be the most effective for treating HSV, chickenpox, and shingles. Our doctor recommends using an at-home testing kit. The test ships to your door, and you receive your results online within a few days. All your information is confidential, and instructions are included with each testing kit. 

If you have any additional questions or comments, please get in touch with our doctor, as we are here to help you. You may also complete an online evaluation or call us, and a licensed physician will discuss the best treatment plans available. Take care, everyone!